Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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BP measurement in the clinic and the pharmacy: some practical aspects

This session aims to look back to the way as it should be the measure of the PA by health professionals while presenting an investigation on the determination of the PA in the pharmacies of Gipuzkoa.
BP measurement in the health center
The updating of the CPG Osakidetza HT takes a look at how it should be the measure of the PA. In addition to the conditions of rest before the patient and using validated and calibrated devices emphasizes the number of medidas.Deben seen as two consecutive numbers differ only hg.Esto 5 mm is achieved with two determinations at 50 % of cases but occasionally will require a higher number of measures.
To reduce the white coat effect insists that the measures are carried out by nurses
BP measures in pharmacies
Although it is usual in the pharmacy know PA is measured as is done in our medio.Existen little research on this tema.En Spain only find a assessment carried out in the Albacete province by a survey that had a low rate of respuesta.En this province only 11% of the determinations performed correctly.
Gipuzkoa The study, whose results are available at the presentation of this input, the response rate was above 60% and shows that the extent of the PA can be improved especially getting used devices validated and used a sufficient number of measures.
The study was conducted with the collaboration of Official College of Pharmacists of Gipuzkoa and highlights the need for coordination and collaboration between primary care and pharmacies.
sure the user population of both services will be the main beneficiary

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wwe Running Out Of Ideas?

Important findings emerged from the meeting began Tupungato

be held on Tuesday 18 of the current Third Session Meeting. The theme of the occasion was Regulation, Registration, Supervision and Control. The

objectives for the occasion were:

1. Communicating the role of the Ministry of Tourism as a regulator and control body of the tourist services provided in the province.
2. Submit the proposal of the Ministry of Tourism controls inclusive Registration in conjunction with other municipal and provincial agencies.
3. Report on the benefits of joining the formality.

Strategic Planning Process.

The focus of the work day was to establish the three stages strategic, defining: the consensus diagnosis, the socialization of information about the State's responsibility in the tourism legislation in force, the need for inclusive planning and registration audits and monitoring of tourism services in conjunction with other agencies.

This time, nine agreements were reached, including that the legislation meets Mendoza Tourist medium with the objectives sought, it is necessary to review the same, it is important that current regulations (Resolution issued by the Ministry of Tourism) has legislative treatment. Moreover, consensus about the Ministry of Tourism should be planned regional visits to inform and regulate the tourism service providers and the task of monitoring and control with respect to the Secretariat of Tourism of the province, municipalities and other agencies.

Meanwhile, established, according to congressional, identify necessary modifications of the current tourism legislation and the main causes that prevent registration.

Finally it was determined that on Tuesday, June 29 (tentative) in San Martin will be a meeting of supervision and control of the 18 municipalities of the province, with the participation of the municipal areas Inspection General, Trade and Tourism. While the August 5 (tentative) will be held the 4th Plenary Session in the Provincial Legislature in order to treat changes in the structure of the Provincial Tourism Act.

For more information on the agreements reached at this session, you can view and download the document "Brief 3 rd Plenary Session" in the left column, "3 rd Plenary Session Tupungato. Download Presentations. "

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

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is being held the Third Plenary Session of the Provincial Tourism Congress VI. In this instance they develop various subjects, including including the scope of tourism legislation and the supervisory powers of the Secretariat of Tourism of the province and municipalities, as well as other entities such as the Comptroller General Tax Directorate and the Directorate of Consumer Protection and Oversight and Control Dependent the Ministry of Production, Technology and Innovation of the Province.

addition, this session will advance the joint planning of an inclusive program and registration audits and controls along with other government agencies and municipal tourism services.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

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the Third Plenary Session III will be in Tupungato

VI Under the Provincial Tourism Conference will be held in Tupungato, 18 instant, the Third Plenary Session. This time the theme will be Registration, Supervision and Control of tourism services.
for this session has been scheduled several objectives: to communicate the role of the Ministry of Tourism as a control body of tourist services is provided in the province, agree on joint actions with other supervisory bodies, generate schedules visits inspectorate departments of the Secretariat and agree on the relevance to facilitate adjustment of Micro and Small service providers tourist.
On this occasion, as in the other sessions, participants will be elected during the congress tourism departmental workshops, representatives of municipalities, the Legislature, the Advisory Board Private Sector, Academic, Provincial Executive and special guests. It is worth remembering that the first meeting it was agreed the strategic concept "mythical tale of a historical nature, active and sensory." While the second tourist infrastructure prioritized, consensus was reached on the need to provide and consolidate a Signaling System Tourist Mendoza criteria adopted to incorporate private in tourism signage and setting up a commission to analyze functions and decide on the identification of tourist attractions in Mendoza. Other agreements reached were calling for proposals for the design of the arches of the most important milestones in revenue to the Province; begin to eradicate the tourist signage in national and provincial routes that are outside the law and obtained the commitment of the Provincial Department of Transportation specifications incorporated into bidding for the placement of signage routes from tourism this year. Program

the third session.
(Right Click on the image below to enlarge).

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