Monday, December 8, 2008

How To Setup Pinnacle Game Profiler

Shell SESSION TO "DISCOVER THE MLC" MLC in individual sessions

This session aims to bring the Liberation of Shells method for those who still do not know.

This meeting will take place in three stages:

- Presentation Method.

- Practical exploration of body movements.

- A Time to answer your questions.

bring comfortable clothing is suggested for the session.

Session Guide: Lourdes Reina

DAY: Thursday 5 Maig 2011

TIME: De 19:00 h to 20:15 h.


PLACE: CENTRE DE SALUT golden and Sardenya, 261 (Barcelona) (M. Sagrada Familia)

Please confirm your attendance to:

Lurdes Queen: Tel. 699.52.90.69 (mail )

Call Of Duty Mw2 Translations

The sessions are weekly and each session involves four stages Navigation:

opens with a verbal sharing, followed by a relaxation in the ground, continuing the practice of liberation movements and close body-mind sharing what you have lived, or even sharing the silence.

chaining of movements in a session, follow a curve that takes you towards autonomy.

The method is designed to enable you to practice your home gradually, depending on your needs, while remaining attentive to the memory of your body.

Duration: 1.15. h (session)

An individual interview where they are addressed specificities and / or health difficulties of the client. The cost of this meeting is 55 €

More information and inscription: Lurdes
Queen - TEL 699.52.90.69 (Barcelona) / / /