Under the Provincial Tourism Congress VI 2,009, from next week's Regional Workshop will be held in the South, North, East and Valle de Uco.
These workshops are part of the process of Pre Congress that is taking place across the province for three weeks. This process started with departmental tourism workshops which will have a large attendance and participation of the community, and where they worked and agreed on the vision and profile tourism in each of the areas, products, promotion, etc. In these workshops came the representatives of each of the territories that represent the tourism sector and the community of each of the eighteen departments in the Regional and then the Provincial Tourism Congress VI.
worth noting that the departmental workshops were opened, not just the tourism industry but the entire community and more than 600 people participated in the discussions.
The main objective of the conference is to update the Turplan II, to rethink the material because since its publication in the year 2,007 have been major changes situation as a crisis of the country, international financial crisis health crisis, among others. It is therefore essential, in this new context, to establish the strategic, operational plan, each of the departments and discuss the institutional framework, ie, to determine what institutional formation is needed to carry out the plan that tries to consensus throughout the process.
While the decision of the Congress Organizing Committee of the Provincial Tourism VI was postponed for 7, 8 and 9 April 2010 the Congress was going to make the 3, 4 and 5 December 2009. The choice of date for the term of the summer season, and the large influx of tourists expected to Harvest and Easter.
While the regional workshops were developed as originally scripted, from 26 November.
Valer remember that the Organizing Committee established by Resolution No. 809/09, is chaired by the Secretary of Tourism of the province and complies with a representative of the Committee on Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Senate of the Province and another in the House of Representatives, four members of the Municipal Advisory Council, eight of the Advisory Council of Private Activity, one by the Union of Hotel Workers Gastronomy of Argentina, one from the Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Transport, one of the Provincial Department of Transportation, one by the Ministry of Culture, another for the Environment, one by the Ministry of Sports and one by the Academic Council of Tourism .
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