Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Fast Is 250cc Dune Buggy?

Conference in Valencia

Last week I participated in the training days of Specialized Services Guidance organized by the Valencia CEFIRE entitled "Obrim l'escola. I had the opportunity to present the project at the University of Parents face the audience that, indeed, were very interested in it.

addition, the conference featured speakers of great prestige as, for example, Teresa Gisbert, provincial chief prosecutor of Valencia, among others. They also presented a very interesting material and Dieste Ana Belén Giménez M ª Angeles, co-authored a guide to help parents to better educate.

Finally, a conference has been very interesting with great care. I am grateful to Vicente Palomar your invitation and interest to participate therein.

When I see so many people gathered to address these issues is when I really realized that "not all that bad or all is lost in education" because many people are worried (and busy) to make things better.


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