Monday, April 25, 2011

Aching Knees Pregnancy


Roll the dice to fall into a box is best left to the games, the important things should not be left to chance, but sometimes by chance of life you are living experiences they did not.

I always like to plan photo shoots, but this time I did something different, I wanted to experiment with this issue this session so I did not focus, with natural light by choosing a random day without knowing that time would do.

I woke up one day, was the day to make the session "Chance." No previous plans sought clothes and makeup and an element that I could serve, dice it had on hand went well with the track and then did the photos. Was a very quick meeting, I took less than an hour taking pictures, as regards the issue was also quite fast.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cat Feces White Spots

The risks of flying

Air travel are increasingly frecuentes.Hasta 5% of the passengers have some underlying pathology. So the doubts about precautions before taking a plane are a new reason for visiting our centers.
emergencies on board a plane most common are dyspnea, chest pain and syncope.
At the meeting of April 13 Iñigo presented a session where we presented the recommendations that we advise our patients and major incidents that may occur in air travel.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pokemon Silver Vba Masterballs

Praise Reading New Blog

As you know the day is the book and for me there is no better tribute than this Praise of Reading who wrote José Antonio Marina four years ago. Should be in every household in our country ...

"Reading is the vanguard of freedom"