Thursday, April 14, 2011

Do Boxing Get Arthritis

José Antonio Marina

José Antonio Marina just released a new and interesting blog for the website Learn to Think SM publisher. The blog has the name The New Frontier

But what this about New Frontier Educative to ? In the words of JAM " This project, like all projects, attempts to expand the possibilities of actually using intelligence. The idea arose from the finding of fact. The human being is a hybrid nature and culture. The biological evolution was extended by cultural evolution. Besides heredity, social heritage acts, transmitted by education, which becomes the major mechanism of evolution.
So far, the role of the institution education was to convey what a society considers to be preserved. Therefore, education has always been conservative and reproductive, as claimed by Bourdieu, a noted sociologist. That idea was good for static and homogeneous societies, but not ours, that are fast and heterogeneous. Therefore, education must change the idea that itself has. Can not be mere transmitter, but selection of content, keeper of the future agent of progress "

You can keep reading the blog, which I highly recommend it. Management the same is

you tell me now what you think about.

or G


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