The article on the clinical diagnosis of gout is a bit cumbersome to read.
In fact this work is done with patients recruited for the implementation of a clinical trial on drug treatment for such trial gota.En start of 216 patients with confirmed in liquid crystals sinovial.En the
study we took the first thing you do is assess the diagnostic performance of family physicians against the "gold standard" represented by the presence of crystals in synovial fluid in 381 patients with monoarthritis

Then the authors of the article build a Clinical Prediction Rule
To implement the proposed readingand CASP for this kind of articles I intend to continue this formulario.Puedes fill in the blog or if you have trouble click here
can also be helpful to consult the chapter of the book Jama the "Guidelines for users of medical literature"

Basically we have to compare the diagnostic performance of family physicians with whom we get to apply the new rule . It is to choose the method that best classify us "gout" "non-gout"
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