The proposed his diagnosis based at least 6 of a list of 12 criteria:
- More an attack of acute arthritis
- The maximum inflammation developed within 1 day Attack of monoarthritis
- joint Redness
- First metatarsophalangeal joint painful and swollen
- Prime unilateral attack on first metatarsophalangeal joint
- Tophi (tested or suspected) Hyperuricemia
- Asymmetric swelling within a joint (radiology)
- subcortical cysts without erosions (radiology)
- joint fluid culture negative during the acute attack.
One of the priorities of primary care research studies on diagnostic tests in our environment.
In the latest issue of the journal Archives ofInternal Medicine published a work studying the validity of the diagnosis of gout in primary care without recourse to examination of synovial fluid.
The proposal for the next session has two objectives:
-discuss the applicability of their results
-Discuss the difficulties in reading and review of the paper.
To help with the reading of the article may refer to this reference Fisterra "Critical reading an article on diagnosis" and Casp Spain page
Although material and methods section seems a bit cumbersome should not panic and remember what a clinical prediction rule and constructed as . For more information English
The article is available in pdf and it can be downloaded from the collection of journals Osakidetza Ovid
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