Thursday, October 28, 2010

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diseases: thyroid disease in primary care literature

sessions with our colleagues in the care specialist can be very useful especially if we share the same attention to pacientes.Si above are prepared in a didactic, simple and brief we will have taken 45 minutes of the meeting. Alfredo
Yoldi Donostia Hospital Endocrinologist has given us a practical review of thyroid disorders and how to approach them in our department.
The classification disorders where the scan function is useful but does not echo and size disorders (goitre and nodules) where the utility of imaging tests is reversed we found very useful.
has also reviewed the embarazo.Por thyroid problems in the past have discussed the controversial issue of iodine supplementation in pregnancy. Our colleagues in the Group
MBE Murcia society of Family Medicine have published a post on his blog on this tema.Parece that things are not as clear as it may seem to see the treatments that are prescribed in our environment to pregnant.
Interest readings thyroid disease:

-Review Jama subclinical thyroid disorders


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