The cavitation or liposuction without surgery has become a revolution by removing the fat and centimeters want without going under the knife. Laser Natura Chueca supply leads cavitation in Madrid with the latest equipment technology.
cavitation circuit performed with an approximate duration 90 minutes is based on the strategic combination of 4 treatments: cavitation, electroporation, acupressure and vibrating platform seeking to achieve 3 goals: reduction inches, reduce cellulite and firm the skin .
1) The cavitation called liposuction without surgery, as no pain and no the major drawbacks of liposuction surgery, destroys fat. It is based on the application of ultrasound through a head in contact with the skin at 40 kHz to create micro bubbles in the fat layer to break down fat cells and fat free to stream node.
teams are key to the results of this treatment and why we have the best on the market considered it Sorisa Impact ( ) . The safety and effectiveness are very important in cavitation and Impact are the only team that has been calibrated to ensure 39-40 Khz, thanks to the design of a caliper designed by approved own department of R & D Sorisa, when cavitation occurs real and safe. The other teams in the market operate by frequency sweeps can not guarantee the 40 Khz.
Impact also has intelligent heads for the patented technology that besides making Smartcav electroporation while cavitation, are the only ones reported in the state all the time ensuring maximum treatment efficiency and intensity and identify if the computer is docked or not, emitting only when in contact with skin, making it not deduct treatment time and the 40 minutes we do sean en tiempo real de contacto con la piel y por tanto de cavitación.
A través de este mismo cabezal y de forma simultánea se realiza la técnica de la electroporación.
2) Electroporación. A través de corrientes eléctricas creadas por campos magnéticos se abren los poros de la zona donde actúa el cabezal y penetra el cosmético con propiedades reductoras, o anti celulíticas y reafirmantes que vamos aplicando, potenciando los efectos reductores de la cavitación y teniendo un efecto reafirmante.
cavitation treatment and electroporation is the most common 40-minute real-time cavitation to be effective by 10 minutes each about 200-250 cm2. It takes between 5 and 10 sessions are usually for solid results.
3) Presoterapia . After a session of cavitation takes place a meeting of drainage to facilitate the removal of fat cells destroyed by a team of next generation acupressure ( Impress 240, Sorisa) lasting 25-30 minutes. Pressure therapy is done with a tourniquet is placed ranging from feet to abdomen, which are air blown through 6 valves controlled form of distal to proximal.
This pressure causes them to stimulate blood and lymphatic system resulting in multiple benefits: elimination of liquids for people with memory problems, prevention and treatment of varicose veins, cellulite reduction (accumulation of fat in a flow area with circulatory problems) to improve blood circulation in the affected area, and finally lymphatic drainage which speeds the elimination of fat from of adipocytes during cavitation.
4) Finally, we recommend the use of Vibrating Platform for 10 minutes equals 60 minutes of gym, ending the session. The platform helps activate the metabolism, making exercises reinforce key areas targeted in the treated area and weight loss among other benefits.
Bonus Circuit cavitation and electroporation of 40 minutes, acupressure and a platform for 5 sessions out of 475 euros and 850 euros for 10 sessions and offer credit facilities. Also fertilize up to 2 hour parking in the parking lot of the Plaza Vázquez de Mella and Augusto Figueroa
The number of sessions we recommend following a free diagnostic scan prior to treatment, which also provide more detailed information if desired .
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