This week will be the third class course. As I said in the previous session, this class will be taught by Mark Pla, director of Education Kyrios that will offer a Workshop on Responsible Consumption very interesting and appropriate for dates we are coming ... I hope it is a class very helpful and of interest.
I remember that classes will be on the same day for the two groups: Group A
: Tuesday December 14 at 18:00 in the computer room of the CEIP Lluís Vives.
Group B: Tuesday December 14 at 19:00 in the computer room of the CEIP Lluís Vives.
I leave here the synopsis of the workshop:
Every time we buy or consume a product or service we are impacting on the market. This gives us, as consumers , a large power on supply and demand .
Faced with a choice unsustainable, there is usually an alternative ecological and respectful of the environment and human rights. In many cases the difference between a choice or another is the lack of information.
The objective of the workshop that we propose is precisely to provide data and arguments to save in our consumption or have sustainably when making purchasing choices.
activity is to 'go' with l @ s participants shopping at 'super'. We will make it through two colorful educational panels.
representing one cart purchase, where as we discovering some of the most common products that can be found in the 'super', and after discussions between two similar products which is the most sustainable basis of their origin, packaging, composition, environmental impact ... the 'charge' to our shopping cart, ie the panel will stick to represent them.
order to deepen these criteria of good consumption, we will build on another panel that represents a world map, where we will hitting the impacts caused (Oil extraction, pollution, animal testing, bauxite mining, exploitation of workers ...) in its place.
In this way through a very dynamic and visual conference, we will gradually introduce concepts such as fair trade, agriculture and livestock production ... and ultimately on the commitment necessary sustainability.
See you in class.
See you in class.
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